October 26, 2018
by Sam Martin
The objection to the doctrine that Jesus sends people to hell is one we can naturally relate to. If there is one doctrine that people cannot tolerate about Biblical Christianity, it is that it clearly teaches people that God sends individuals to a hot hell for all eternity. The question itself seems to settle the issue. It insinuates that it is illogical to believe both. E...
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October 8, 2018
by Sam Martin
Who is God, Knowledge
As a Christian, I have a lot of LDS friends who want to insist that we worship the same God. It isn’t asserted right away, but it doesn’t take long in a theological discussion for this statement to come out. It’s like when you’re playing streetfighter with your friend......
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October 8, 2018
by Sam Martin
Who is God
If you haven’t read my first post entitled “Not the Same”, reading it will give a little better context for this post. If you have read it, we have either agreed that we (Evangelicals and Mormons) do not worship the same God or you’re just curious to see how deep the r......
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October 8, 2018
by Sam Martin
One of the remarkable things about the ministry of Jesus; so remarkable that the “good” teachers in Israel couldn’t wrap their minds around its' seeming absurdity, was to whom he came to minister to. When we read passages like Isaiah 6, when Isaiah gets a vision of God......
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October 8, 2018
by Sam Martin
At dinner the other night, my Friend Mike was showing us some good ole YouTube videos of hamsters wiping out on hamster wheels. The funny thing about hamsters is that no one really trains them on how to use these contraptions. If there's another hamster there to demon......
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October 8, 2018
by Sam Martin
Webster's definition of trajectory is "the path followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under the action of given forces". I like to use this word to describe what Jesus meant by being "the way" in John 14. There are three things necessary to give something trajectory. Ready, aim, and fire. When it comes to the trajectory of the Christian life, Jesus also gav...
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October 5, 2018
by Sam Martin
Nothing compares to real Christianity. Despite that, sinful men will always try to offer substitutes to line their own pockets and egos. What we offer is truth and if you're currently in a religious system that keeps you giving with no end in sight, than this truth can set you free....
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