Join us at our new service time at 10:00 am.


God has given us pastor/teachers "to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ" (Ephesians 4:11-12). The Greek word in the Bible for "pastor" actually means "shepherd" because pastors are called by God to care for the people of God in the same way that a shepherd cares for his sheep (1 Peter 5:2-3). Other words in the Bible that are used to describe the Office of Pastor are "elder/presbyter" (Acts 20:17; 1 Peter 5:1; Titus 1:5) and "overseer/bishop" (Acts 20:28; 1 Timothy 3:1-2; Titus 1:7). All of our leadership team serve as Elders as well.




Rex Russell  |  Elder & Senior Pastor

Rex was born in Missouri and received Christ at an early age. His work with livestock moved he and his family ultimately to Laramie, Wyoming, where they began attending Laramie Valley Chapel. Through the discipleship at LVC, Rex grew in the Lord and was given opportunities to lead small group studies and preach in rural churches in the area. The Elders encouraged him to attend Shepherd’s Theological Seminary where he earned a Master’s in Church Ministry. While in school he was asked to be an interim pastor at a small church in Virginia Dale, Colorado. He pastored there until 2020 when he was asked to be a part of the work God was doing at Red Mesa Fellowship. After much prayer he, Sarah, and their two sons moved to St. George in 2021. Rex and Sarah also have two married daughters and one grandson. You can contact Rex at



Jeff Schaefer  |  Elder, Director of Worship & Youth Pastor

Jeff grew up in rural Kansas as a Pastor's kid, hearing the Gospel early and often, trusting in Jesus at an early age. After earning a bachelor's degree at Southwestern college, then working as an intern in Children's Ministry, Jeff attended Shepherd's Theological Seminary, earning a Master's in Church Ministry. Jeff soon realized the benefit of the Business as Missions model of Church Planting and attended barber school back home in Kansas. After serving in his local church while working in a small barber shop, Jeff and his wife Molly were ready to move forward to church plant. After a quick and providential conversation with Sam, they decided to join the team at Red Mesa Fellowship. You can contact Jeff at


Adam Teeter  |  Elder

Adam grew up in Laramie, Wyoming, where he was blessed to marry his wife, Ashley, in 2010 and they now have three children. After completing his Bachelor's Degree at the University of Wyoming, he went on to complete a Master’s Degree from Shepherd’s Theological Seminary. He and Ashley spent one year in Cologne, Germany working with the International Baptist Church of Cologne. It was there that he caught the vision for church planting and multiplication and his desire to be used in that endeavor has only grown. Following his time in Germany, Adam attended barber school and moved to St. George in May of 2020 to serve at Red Mesa Fellowship. You can contact Adam at