Can I trust the Bible?
If the Bible has been accurately translated, and it checks out as good history by the strictest standards, we would do well to look into it and take its claims seriously....
Keep ReadingChristians have become “experts” in their theological preferences and before long, many have fallen into the temptation of elevating their ideas to that of their leadership....
If every Christian made it their personal goal to have a meaningful effect in one church, we would have many strong churches instead of many…...
What does your daily time with the Lord look like? It seems as though the current trend is often to think of “time with the Lord” simply as synonymous with “Bible reading plan.”...
I remember going into a house of mirrors at a carnival when I was in high school and what caught my eye most was how I could see......
The term “gold-digger” summons a certain caricature of a human that most find revolting. Typically, it conjures up an image of a trophy wife who cares for a man three times her age for reasons…...
There is a topic that I have been meaning to address lately and it is one that will no doubt be in conflict with the ways of the world. When it comes to spanking your children…...
Parents, teaching the Word to our children is our responsibility. Let’s take that on for the glory of God!...
It does not take a theology degree or a special anointing to understand the Bible. It only takes a person who is willing to commit to the work of understanding a passage based on context. Context of the verses that precede, context of the book itself, and context of the historical relevance. These can all be observed from the Bible itself. With these tools, any preacher can be challenged by any person if that person simply exercises the mind that God gave them....
The disciples’ lives now no longer revolved around themselves, but around Jesus Christ and His mission… and the entire world was changed because of it!......
I asked, "What made an impression?" He said, "I was the kindest Christian he had ever met and that in Islam, making friends with Allah’s enemies was forbidden."...
If you’ve placed your faith in the Gospel for the remission of your sin, not only should you sink that faith deep into the hardship you will encounter, you should utterly enjoy the activity!...
When it comes to the topic of the reliability of the Bible, there is a popular objection to the notion that the Bible we have today is the same Bible it has always been....
When conversing with Mormon missionaries, the subject of proxy baptism (baptism for the dead) may arise. In summary,…...
When Paul wrote is second letter to Timothy, in summary, he instructed him in chapter 2 to be energized by grace and to transfer the things…...
If the Bible has been accurately translated, and it checks out as good history by the strictest standards, we would do well to look into it and take its claims seriously....
Keep ReadingWhen you ask what should be most important to Christians, an easy answer that will get the most gold stars is "glorifying Jesus". But what does it mean to glorify Jesus? A better way to say it might be "to make Jesus matter to people". The Church (you and me) is in the business of making Jesus matter. Let's consider how...
Keep ReadingThe Bible is translated in English so that we can easily understand it. But, we cannot expect that the concepts or even some of the terms it uses will be understood by someone who wasn't raised with it. More and more, America's generations are becoming those people. We have to change how we communicate. ...
Keep ReadingThere are large organizations calling themselves the true church of Jesus Christ. The main reason they insist that they are the true church is because they lay claim to apostolic succession. In other words, they believe the first Apostles have passed their office and authority down to replacements and their church still retains these individuals today. But is there Biblica...
Keep ReadingBouncy castles, cotton candy machines, fun music; is it a carnival? O lots of kids playing, must be a festival. Nope, it's a Church outreach. Rats! Those Christians got me again! I should've known something was up when I noticed the guy in his mid-twenties in skinny jeans playing with all the teenagers! He had Youth Pastor written all over him!...
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