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Archives for August 2019

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Freedom from Sin


Overcoming the action of sin by experiencing the joy of God....

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The Love of God

God’s love is great because of the distance it goes to redeem the unredeemable. Romans 5:7-8 puts it down for what it is. God’s love is great because it is unconditional. God took on flesh, lived among us, healed the sick and the cripple and the blind, performed wonders that authenticate his deity then took the penalty for our sins on the cross. He took the blame. He t...

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The Recipe For Joy


Living your life for the glory of Christ will come with the anticipation of finally seeing Him face to face! To live for Christ means death is only something you can anticipate. To live for the world means death is only something you can dread. Joy from the world is a fantasy. Joy from the joy giver is reality....

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