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Post Category: Who is God

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Why Are You Just Standing There!?

know a guy here in St. George with an LDS upbringing (not uncommon) who asked “so what exactly does someone have to do to be saved and Christian and stuff?” Knowing his background, I understood why he was asking. After all, when the whole “plan” is laid out in front......

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The Love of God

God’s love is great because of the distance it goes to redeem the unredeemable. Romans 5:7-8 puts it down for what it is. God’s love is great because it is unconditional. God took on flesh, lived among us, healed the sick and the cripple and the blind, performed wonders that authenticate his deity then took the penalty for our sins on the cross. He took the blame. He t...

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What is Truth? (2)

When you’re not sure if a chair is structurally sound, you don’t sit in it to see if it is. You press on it. You might shake it a little. Even when you sit down on the chair, you’re going to ease on to it with caution. How do we press on the Bible? How do shake it up? How do we ease in?...

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Not the Same

As a Christian, I have a lot of LDS friends who want to insist that we worship the same God. It isn’t asserted right away, but it doesn’t take long in a theological discussion for this statement to come out. It’s like when you’re playing streetfighter with your friend......

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Why Mine Is Better

If you haven’t read my first post entitled “Not the Same”, reading it will give a little better context for this post. If you have read it, we have either agreed that we (Evangelicals and Mormons) do not worship the same God or you’re just curious to see how deep the r......

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The Good the Bad and the Ugly

There are three types of people in this world when it comes to what we believe about God. This post is here for you to consider which category you fall into: The Good, the Bad or the Ugly....

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