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Archives for September 2019

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Children Obey


We have all seen “that kid”. You know the one. He’s in the middle of Walmart screaming at his Mom and hitting her with all his rage because she’s not bending to his will to buy him something or throwing a fit for whatever reason....

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Dung Salad


False doctrine doesn’t state anything wrong; it states right things the wrong way....

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Mind Blowing God


One of the exciting things about serving God is how he often takes us into situations where it seems there is no way out of a problem. When all our senses seem to tell us that God has clearly left us alone, that he has forgotten us, or that we must have strayed off his plan somewhere, just when it seems absolutely hopeless, God blows our minds!...

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Love and Justice


Are love and justice opposed to each other, or do they actually work hand in hand? The concept of love actually only makes sense under the foundation of an absolutely Just standard. ...

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