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Archives for July 2019

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In the world, love is often described as a very good thing that people feel and use as motivation for commitment. But their love is limited. God's love is boundless. ...

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Why do good works?


If salvation is by grace alone, really, why even worry about good works? In the end, it really is all about Jesus....

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Two Ships

I live in a culture where most people already have a set of beliefs that they are eager to defend. They are entrenched. They have dug in and they aren't giving an inch. I believe the Lord has given me a format to share the Gospel that has been the most effective way to help them to consider the Christian world-view. I hope this helps you to be a better communicator of the ...

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Holy War

Have you ever heard "religion is the cause for so much violence, isn't religion the problem?". If you've shared the Gospel at least 3 times in your life, you probably have. So is religion the problem? ...

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