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Interpreting the Bible with Confidence


It does not take a theology degree or a special anointing to understand the Bible. It only takes a person who is willing to commit to the work of understanding a passage based on context. Context of the verses that precede, context of the book itself, and context of the historical relevance. These can all be observed from the Bible itself. With these tools, any preacher ca...

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When it comes to the topic of the reliability of the Bible, there is a popular objection to the notion that the Bible we have today is the same Bible it has always been....

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Understanding and Untwisting the Mormon Interpretation of Baptism


When conversing with Mormon missionaries, the subject of proxy baptism (baptism for the dead) may arise. In summary,…...

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Is Sin From Nature or Nurture?


Why do people do bad things? This is an important question because knowing the crux of any problem will help us to resolve it....

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…as long as it’s translated correctly.


The Bible isn’t interpreted in the direction of my world-view. It must be interpreted from the direction of a Biblical world-view. The more Bible we know, the more defined our understanding becomes....

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How do ya like them apples?

Should we be training our disciples up in theology before we can trust them to understand the Bible? No. In fact, giving them a theology before they are trusted to understand the Bible does more damage than you might think. It's unnatural, unwise and comes up short compared to the effectiveness of a disciple who knows his theology because he knows his Bible, not the other ...

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Why Jesus?

"Like, I've looked into all the religions, and none of them really appeal to me, like, all religions are basically the same and Jesus basically just taught us to love each other." It's statements like these that just cause me to stare blankly at the person saying them, but we can do better....

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Where have all the Prophets gone?

Prophets played a vital role in God's plan for his people. They were his spokesmen. When his people strayed, the prophets were commissioned to beckon them back. In the New Covenant of Christ's blood, the role of Prophet seems to disappear. But when we examine the life of a Spirit-filled believer named Stephen, we can see why their role is now obsolete....

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Does your church have Apostles?

There are large organizations calling themselves the true church of Jesus Christ. The main reason they insist that they are the true church is because they lay claim to apostolic succession. In other words, they believe the first Apostles have passed their office and authority down to replacements and their church still retains these individuals today. But is there Biblica...

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What is Truth? (2)

When you’re not sure if a chair is structurally sound, you don’t sit in it to see if it is. You press on it. You might shake it a little. Even when you sit down on the chair, you’re going to ease on to it with caution. How do we press on the Bible? How do shake it up? How do we ease in?...

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