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Tried and True


If you’ve placed your faith in the Gospel for the remission of your sin, not only should you sink that faith deep into the hardship you will encounter, you should utterly enjoy the activity!...

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My Wife was just at the store where they once sold hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and hand soap. The coronavirus has everyone in my town frantically staking their claim on all the things someone would need for a long stay underground....

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Dung Salad


False doctrine doesn’t state anything wrong; it states right things the wrong way....

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Mind Blowing God


One of the exciting things about serving God is how he often takes us into situations where it seems there is no way out of a problem. When all our senses seem to tell us that God has clearly left us alone, that he has forgotten us, or that we must have strayed off his plan somewhere, just when it seems absolutely hopeless, God blows our minds!...

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In the world, love is often described as a very good thing that people feel and use as motivation for commitment. But their love is limited. God's love is boundless. ...

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Ministry Burn-out

Another announcement for the need for Sunday School teacher!? Someone needs to step up! Not me though, I do stuff, plus I'm busy and Sundays are the days I rest... As Wade would say: "wrrroong hoss!" ...

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No God Like Experience

Have you ever tried to share the hope of Jesus Christ with someone and you can't get past their "real life experiences" that have led them to believe what they do? The more you try to share the Biblical truth, the more tightly they cling to their experience. ...

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I've got good news and bad news.

Being indifferent to the Gospel of Jesus Christ is troubling. It can really only be because there is a lack of belief in the condition that demands the necessity for the Gospel. In other words, the cross is only attractive to people who know they need the cross. So why don't people think they need Jesus?...

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When you ask what should be most important to Christians, an easy answer that will get the most gold stars is "glorifying Jesus". But what does it mean to glorify Jesus? A better way to say it might be "to make Jesus matter to people". The Church (you and me) is in the business of making Jesus matter. Let's consider how...

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Church Outreach?

Bouncy castles, cotton candy machines, fun music; is it a carnival? O lots of kids playing, must be a festival. Nope, it's a Church outreach. Rats! Those Christians got me again! I should've known something was up when I noticed the guy in his mid-twenties in skinny jeans playing with all the teenagers! He had Youth Pastor written all over him!...

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