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Money, Money, Money


The cause of ruin is not the ability to make money; rather it is the worship of money that derails someone who should be worshipping God....

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The difference between the saved sinner and the condemned one is not the amount of their sin, but whether they believe in who Christ is (John 3:18)....

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Freedom from Sin


Overcoming the action of sin by experiencing the joy of God....

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The Pharisee seems like an easy target. But don't be fooled. The Pharisee is still alive and well and if you're not careful, you may be more influenced by one than you realize....

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Hold my Walkman

There's a popular phrase that needs some fine tuning. A phrase that once resonated to a culture that needed it has lost its luster. I mean who hasn't heard the phrase "personal relationship with Jesus Christ"? ...

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Jesus Only Takes Black Sheep

One of the remarkable things about the ministry of Jesus; so remarkable that the “good” teachers in Israel couldn’t wrap their minds around its' seeming absurdity, was to whom he came to minister to. When we read passages like Isaiah 6, when Isaiah gets a vision of God......

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Ready Aim Fire

Webster's definition of trajectory is "the path followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under the action of given forces". I like to use this word to describe what Jesus meant by being "the way" in John 14. There are three things necessary to give something trajectory. Ready, aim, and fire. When it comes to the trajectory of the Christian life, Jesus also gav...

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