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Post Category: Edification

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Christians have become “experts” in their theological preferences and before long, many have fallen into the temptation of elevating their ideas to that of their leadership....

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Checking Boxes, or Time with the Lord?


What does your daily time with the Lord look like? It seems as though the current trend is often to think of “time with the Lord” simply as synonymous with “Bible reading plan.”...

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Gold-digger Christianity


The term “gold-digger” summons a certain caricature of a human that most find revolting. Typically, it conjures up an image of a trophy wife who cares for a man three times her age for reasons…...

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Make Spanking Great Again


There is a topic that I have been meaning to address lately and it is one that will no doubt be in conflict with the ways of the world. When it comes to spanking your children…...

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A Match Made in Heaven to Rescue People from Hell


God gave two churches more than they could have ever asked or imagined. “But as it is written, ‘What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1Cor. 2:9). Now this Church would be a beacon for the Gospel encouraged by the glory of God....

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An Election of Truth


We are unwilling to let darkness infiltrate the laws of a Nation that God has so graciously allowed us to be a part of...

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Brothers, We’re Not Doctors Either


The last seven months have been insightful when it comes to the philosophy of our responsibility as Pastors....

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Our pride is the pretty wrapping paper that conceals what we really are when what we really need is to repent!...

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Risk Factors of Going Back to Church


I think I speak for most when I say that the subject of COVID19 is getting a little tired. The guys in the Barbershop are all saying the same thing....

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Mommy, Where Do Pastors Come From?


If you think Pastors should come from Seminaries, then I think babies should come from the stork. The Church that must hire a Pastor from outside of her ministry is not a healthy Church....

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