We will be moving to one service at 10:00 am beginning on June 2, 2024.

JOIN US SUNDAYS AT 9:00 & 11:00 AM


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My Wife was just at the store where they once sold hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and hand soap. The coronavirus has everyone in my town frantically staking their claim on all the things someone would need for a long stay underground....

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…as long as it’s translated correctly.


The Bible isn’t interpreted in the direction of my world-view. It must be interpreted from the direction of a Biblical world-view. The more Bible we know, the more defined our understanding becomes....

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Mommy, Where Do Pastors Come From?


If you think Pastors should come from Seminaries, then I think babies should come from the stork. The Church that must hire a Pastor from outside of her ministry is not a healthy Church....

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When I was in the Navy, I had a particular day that had me pretty upset. We had just been underway on a small deployment; I was working long hours and every 4th day...

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Money, Money, Money


The cause of ruin is not the ability to make money; rather it is the worship of money that derails someone who should be worshipping God....

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Sometimes when you are introduced to a small child you can spot whether they are an introvert or an extrovert....

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The Atheist


Atheism is an aggressive worldview. Unlike its passive cousin Agnosticism, which is a commitment to believe that God cannot be known, Atheism goes further than rejecting the Christian God by claiming there is absolutely no God whatsoever. People who adhere to the Atheistic worldview call themselves atheists....

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The Gospel Is Not Appealing


People sometimes go on the hunt for a religion. I have met many people who have and are on that search. A few of them have never been a part of any religions, most of them have....

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What’s in a name?


The core of the Gospel, its foundation, and its power is the person of Jesus Christ....

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The difference between the saved sinner and the condemned one is not the amount of their sin, but whether they believe in who Christ is (John 3:18)....

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